1. The Sirah Road Map - An Introduction to the Sirah Timeline
2. The Historical Development of Sirah Literature
3. The Polemic, Modern, and Convergence Periods in Sirah Literature |
4. The Early History of Makkah
5. Prophet Ismail, The Jurhum & Khuza'ah Dynasties |
6. The Quraysh Dynasty
7. Religions in & around Arabia 7th Century CE |
8. Empires around Arabia 7th century
9. Abraha & the Year of the Elephant |
10. Thomas Carlyle’s Lecture on Prophet Muhammad |
11. The Birth & Childhood of
12. The Sacrilegious War & the Pact of Chivalry (حرب الفجار و حلف الفضول) |
13. Trade, Marriage & the House of Khadija (RA)
14. Fatherhood, Household & the Prophet (ﷺ)'s Thirties (...and Slavery) |
15. Rebuilding of the Ka’bah; the Society of Makkah & Tahannuth
16. Read!
17. Tawhid & the First Companions - The Sahabah |
18. Public Invitation and
19. Early Surahs of Makkah - Reflections and Warnings
20. Surah ‘Abasa: Guidance for the Prophet (S) |
21. Abyssinia:
22. The 14 Clans of Quraysh (Part 1) |
23. The 14 Clans of Quraysh (Part 2) |
24. The Conversions of Hamza (R) & Umar (R) |